When you donate to Action For Humanity, your generosity is immediately used to help save and restore lives. We can't do this without your generous donations.
Action For Humanity will endeavour to use your donation as requested wherever possible. If for any reason we cannot use your donation as you've indicated, we'll use it to fund similar projects in the relevant countries.
Other Ways to Donate
We're always very happy to receive donations by post. Please make cheques payable to Action For Humanity. If your donation is for one of our Emergency Appeals please make a note of that on the cheque.
Our bank details for donations are:
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
Account name
Action For Humanity
Account number
Sort code
GB86 RBOS 1634 2710 8756 75
You can also donate via telephone by giving our Supporter Care team a call on +44 (0)161860 0163 and they can process card payments over the phone.