In War-Torn Yemen, Nearly 24 Million Need Humanitarian Aid
In War-Torn Yemen, Nearly 24 Million Need Humanitarian Aid
Providing health, nutrition, water and sanitation services.
Delivering essential drugs and medical supplies to hospitals.
Training health staff on cholera treament.
Calling for a country-wide ceasefire and calling on the international community to help achieve a lasting peace.
Yemen Food Projects
In Yemen, 16.2 million people are food insecure. The rate of child malnutrition is one of the highest in the world. Over 2 million children under 5 years old are predicted to suffer from acute malnutrition in 2021 (WHO).
In 2021 AFH provided food parcels to 25,346 beneficiaries in Yemen. This project secures the food needs of vulnerable families with rations for one month to alleviate their urgent needs for food. This year we continue to work on the ground implementing seasonal projects for Qurbani, Winter and Ramadan.
No child should go hungry. No parent should have to watch their child starve. You can feed a family for a month for £65.
In Aden and the southern region, fishermen have been gradually facing greater challenges to feed their families from their only source of income, fishing. The ongoing conflict has reduced the capacity of the community to buy fish and similar products and added to the lack of public services and government support. The fishing sector is usually dominated by larger fishing companies that have no regard for overfishing. The practice of commercial and non-commercial fishing on large scale has continued to deplete the fishery by catching so many adult fish that not enough remain to breed and replenish the population as timely as before.
By focusing on restoring their critical means of income generation and livelihood, AFH aims to improve the food security and resilience of approximately 3,000 of the most vulnerable people (400 households) in Aden. The project will provide emergency grants that cover lost or degraded fishing equipment for head-of-household fishermen. These grants will restore family's means of generating income, drastically improving their food security, livelihoods and coping mechanisms.
Honey is considered a miraculous medicine, and culturally, honey is a necessary part of the diet. Yemeni honey has antibacterial properties and an excellent reputation for being medicinal. Wholesale traders collect honey from small producers and repackage it for markets in the urban centres or export it to neighbouring countries in the Arabia peninsula and Africa. People of this trade have not been able to continue even minimal levels of production due to the significantly increased prices of honey equipment and the deteriorated conditions of the country. This is in addition to many of these families being displaced or facing challenging circumstances to meet their essential expenses like food and medicine, which in turn has forced them to sell their equipment or lose the capacity to maintain them – leading to their demise.
With support from our donors, AFH will assist over 500 heads of household by immediately restoring their means of livelihood, including the necessary equipment (beehives, livestock, etc.) and provide the needed training to build their resilience.
Due to the severe economic conditions in Yemen, most families have lost access to basic income-generating and livelihood projects that used to cover their minimum standard of dignified living. The steep fall of the local currency and the collapsed economic conditions made families extremely vulnerable and highly dependent on humanitarian assistance. They also remain unable to meet their basic needs like food, medicines and education.
The Livelihoods Restoration project will help families restart their means of income generation and previous livelihood activities to re-launch small-scale business enterprises. With support from our donors, AFH will assist more than 500 families in some of Yemen’s most impoverished areas like Aden, Taiz, Abyan, Lahj and Aldhale’e by providing assets and cash vouchers along with the necessary business training to ensure these families can retain and improve the provided grants.