Action For Humanity and Syria Relief condemn, in the strongest terms possible, the recent escalation of violence in northwest Syria, which has reportedly led to the deaths of over 100 people and directly injured members of our own team based in the region.

In the past 24 hours, following multiple drone strikes in Homs, shelling and rocket fire into Idleb has been reported. Currently, sources are suggesting that 15 civilians have been killed in this campaign.

Attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, such as hospitals, constitute war crimes under International Humanitarian Law. It is vital that all sides involved uphold the rights of individuals and humanitarian workers within this conflict setting.

From Muhammad Rizwan, Country Director for northwest Syria:

“For the safety of our team, we have evacuated our offices in the region. We have launched our response, providing reception centres for those displaced by the violence and will prepare to deliver hot meals and shelter. We are monitoring the situation to ensure we respond efficiently and responsibly.”

Action For Humanity and Syria Relief call for an immediate cease-fire.

Action For Humanity provides aid and assistance to people affected by natural and man-made disasters. We are the parent charity of Syria Relief, the UK’s largest Syria-focused humanitarian aid organisation. As an NGO we are guided by our drive to help others, not profit. Based in Manchester, Action For Humanity has operations in Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, the UK, and several other regions. We have operated throughout Syria for over a decade, responding to crises and developing communities. In 2022, Action For Humanity supported a remarkable 4.8 million people across the globe.

UPDATE AS OF 08/10/23

Over the past three days, we have seen firsthand the eruption in violence in Idlib which has led to the death of dozens and spurred a military campaign of rockets and drone strikes, tearing apart civilian life and infrastructure in northwest Syria.

Our teams on the ground are watching as this conflict grows more intense, placing more innocent people in the line of fire and threatening hospitals and solar-electric production facilities which are vital to the survival of communities.

Already, we have seen the tragic loss of life of humanitarian workers in what is quickly becoming the worst cycle of conflict in recent years.

Humanitarian assistance has been restricted by continued shelling, meaning organisations are unable to reach those who need support. Hospitals and schools are being bombed, lives are being lost, and the humanitarian situation is spiraling out of control.

Action For Humanity, as the parent NGO of Syria Relief, is calling on world leaders to not turn their attention away from Idlib, as the humanitarian needs escalate on an hourly basis, and advocate for the protection of civilian life under International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law. We desperately need a cease-fire in Northwest Syria to stem the death and destruction that is flowing through the Idleb. We must put an end to these hostilities and the suffering of the Syrian people.

The world has turned a blind eye towards the horrors unfolding in Syria and, as we have seen today like every day of the past 12 years, suffering flourishes when not under the international spotlight.



Action For Humanity provides aid and assistance to people affected by natural and man-made disasters. We are the parent charity of Syria Relief, the UK’s largest Syria-focused humanitarian aid organisation. As an NGO we are guided by our drive to help others, not profit. Based in Manchester, Action For Humanity has operations in Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, the UK, and several other regions. We have operated throughout Syria for over a decade, responding to crises and developing communities. In 2022, Action For Humanity supported a remarkable 4.8 million people across the globe.



Jake Marais

PR and Communications Officer, Action For Humanity

07597 486270

Maryam Ahmed

Head of Marketing and Comms, Action For Humanity

+44 7871 821369
