13 years of empowering communities. We are here to provide aid to those most in need.
With the world facing growing humanitarian needs, taking action for humanity has never been more important.
We're on the ground in countries across the globe providing aid, building resilience and laying foundations for a better future.
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With the Syria/Turkey earthquake and the crisis in Gaza, we have cultivated unparalleled expertise in responding to crises, no matter where they are. As we reflect upon our accomplishments in 2023, it becomes evident that our work has not only transformed lives but has also fostered resilience within communities and moved us a step closer to realising our vision.

In just over a decade, Action For Humanity has tirelessly strived to make a profound difference in the lives of millions. Between 2011 and 2020, our unwavering commitment allowed us to support a staggering 10 million individualls. However, in 2022, we witnessed an extraordinary leap forward as we reached over 4.8 million people in a single year.

Action For Humanity continued to ensure the unprecedented and rapidly emerging challenges presented by the pandemic did not jeopardise our support for vulnerable people in all regions of our work.
In 2021 we reached 3,510,806 beneficiaries and initiated interventions not just in the Middle East but across South Asia. We also intend to expand into Africa within the coming year. Our interventions in Jordan and Yemen increased exponentially, and we simultaneously sustained our impressive impact in Syria.

This brings us to 2020 and Syria Relief/Action For Humanity’s most impactful year to date, where we continued to establish ourselves as a global leader in providing humanitarian aid in Syria and the region and began taking our experience and expertise of providing life-saving and life-sustaining projects to other conflict settings.

In 2019, we established ourselves as the global leader in NGO-provided education in Syria by operating 164 schools across Northern Syria. Simultaneously, we implemented our first two projects in Bangladesh: 45,000 Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazaar received healthcare from a static health care centre set up by Syria Relief. 893 Rohingya refugees benefitted from 59 permanent shelters.

By 2018, Syria Relief became UK’s largest Syrianfocused charity. Helping Syrian people in Syria and the neighbouring countries, by implementing short and long term projects. Alongside the standard food parcels, in 2018 Syria Relief achieved a landmark by providing essential non-food items (NFIs) to adults and children in crisis, helping them maintain their dignity and humanity. Basic necessities were provided including toiletries, household items, sanitary products, baby supplies, stoves & fuels, tents, blankets and seasonal clothes. Through this NFI projects in 2018, Syria Relief reached 128,595 beneficiaries.

In 2017, Syria Relief provided cooked meals to over 130,000 people in need of sustenance. In the meantime, we distributed food packages to displaced communities across Syria and in neighbouring countries. Each package contained supplies of a number of staple foods - enough to feed an averagesized family for a period of one month.
Furthermore, by 2017 we had a well-established Orphan Sponsorship Programme, helping nearly 3,258 vulnerable orphans across Syria receive sponsorship. This project covered all aspects of essential care including food, clothing, healthcare, and education.

In 2016, Syria Relief started our long-term agricultural training project. This project provided training and livestock to 9,500 households in Deirez-Zour, Ghouta, ldlib and Aleppo. This project provided each beneficiary with 4 vaccinated sheep, together with a kit containing all necessary equipment and enough food to raise the animals until the beneficiaries were able to support the livestock themselves. We were operating 47 schools in Syria, providing education for over 14,500 children. Student uniforms, classroom equipment and school meals were provided to every child, free of charge. Teachers received formal teaching training, as well as training in child protection, psychosocial child support and first aid.

In 2015, Syria Relief increased our efforts to provide clean water in Syria. These water projects meant that over 20,000 people received clean water and improved sanitation facilities during this year. During 2015, there was a huge amount of increase in the household and commercial waste dumped in areas surrounding civilian dwellings in Syria. These unofficial waste tips became health risks. Syria Relief cleaned this waste, as part of our Water & Sanitation programme, in the city of Mara in north-western Syria. We also ordered many metal bins to be made at local metal works, providing an income to local workers.

In 2014, Syria Relief implemented our first project in Lebanon. Emergency aid was provided to new and expectant mothers in Arsal refugee camps. This project helped over 276,000 women and new-born babies. Syria Relief also became much more active in advocating for the Syrian people. Several talks and presentations were given by the trustees, at various universities, academic institutions as well as the House of Parliament.



Determined to help people in war-affected Syria, a group of medical doctors and activists set up Syria Relief. In our first year, food, water and healthcare were the main forms of assistance the organisation provided in the early stages of the war. The organisation gave access to those in need to primary healthcare after violent outbreaks continued and
the national infrastructure became non-functional. Doctors and other health workers were brought on board within Syria to provide as much assistance as possible.