Our Campaigns
Join Action for Humanity in raising funds to support our global humanitarian efforts. Mobilise, respond and act like Action For Humanity by helping raise funds. If you need support with your fundraising idea get in touch with us.
Helping people across the world is something that we’re very passionate about. From supporting fundraising events, to participating in national campaigns and challenges, we’re committed to doing all that we can to transform lives worldwide.

Fundraise For Causes Around the World
At Action For Humanity, we pride ourselves on our ability to mobilise, respond and act when an emergency strikes, but we can only do this with your support. You can contribute by simply donating to one of our causes - or by fundraising for us.
When it comes to raising money to support our work, we have lots of fun ideas to get you started. Whether it’s a sponsored run, a bake sale or raising money in memory of a loved one, you can start fundraising for Action For Humanity now! If you have a particular project you would want to fundraise for or any ideas you want our help with, then we would love to hear from you - get in touch with us at "info@actionforhumanity.org" or call "0161 860 0163".