Phone: +44 (0) 1618600163
Calculations Based on Gold Nisab of 85 Grams
Price/g: £1.13 Nisab: £674.43
Price/g: £77.57 Nisab: £6,593.38
Money in the bank or at home Money kept in the bank or at home.
Jewellery Any Jewellery like Gold, Silver etc.
Property Property that you own like a house, plot etc.
Pensions Any Pension amount you are getting.
Shares Any Shares you have in stocks of any company.
Other Investments Any other investments that you may have.
Business Value Monetary value of your business(es)
Money Owed to You Money other people owe you
Liabilities represent money that is owed to others.
Personal Debt Personal Debt that you have
Business Debt Debt incurred in business dealings
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