
In the UK, many refugees and asylum seekers are stuck in temporary housing, where they often endure long waits for asylum decisions while living without basic necessities in poor conditions.

The rising cost of living makes these issues so much worse for low-income families, driving food insecurity and poverty. Women and girls, in particular, face major barriers, like limited access to education, healthcare, and employment, which perpetuates cycles of inequality and dependency.


We are committed to addressing these pressing issues through collaborative support programmes. We provide immediate relief such as food distribution and essential items, while also offering long-term sustainable solutions  like education, vocational training, and mentorship for refugees and asylum seekers.

Our initiatives empower women and girls, helping them overcome barriers and achieve independence. By working closely with community partners, we aim to alleviate suffering, foster resilience, and create opportunities for a brighter future for all those we serve. 


Support Our Iraq Projects

Humanitarian Overview

In Iraq, nearly 3 million people (1.3 million children) affected by the protracted conflict continue to need humanitarian assistance. This includes 1 million people (463,760 children) with acute humanitarian needs and 990,500 children and women at risk of gender-based violence. 

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Years of instability have led to the collapse of national systems, leaving already vulnerable populations at further risk of increased food insecurity. As a result, hundreds of thousands depend on food aid. With nearly 30 percent of Iraqis living in rural areas, restoring agricultural livelihoods is fundamental to the humanitarian response. 

Due to high inflation coupled with the impact of the pandemic, many families have no access to meat during the whole year. We provided 1,700 people with Qurbani meat to help them to celebrate Eid al-Adha as well as provide a nutritious meal.

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